What We Believe

Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church...

We're glad that you found us on the web.   Who are we?  We're a Christian congregation that delights in sharing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with all who enter not only our doors, but our lives.  We invite you, in the name of Christ, to visit us, explore our beliefs, and, God-willing, become part of our family.  Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.  (Ephesians 6: 24, ESV)

What are Lutherans?

Lutherans are Christians whose faith is guided by the Bible and the Lutheran Confessions.  Our Confessions do not add to the Bible, but are simply statements of faith that summarize the teaching of Holy Scripture.  As such:

We are confessional....

We freely confess (i.e., state our Christian beliefs) in definite terms.  You won’t have to guess at what we believe and teach, and we back up our teaching with God’s own Word.  

You can find our Confessions (statements of faith) to which our pastor and our congregation are pledged in the Book of Concord.

The simplest of the Lutheran Confessions (and the one we teach to our young people) is Luther's Small Catechism.  It would be a good place to start in your exploration of our teachings.


We are liturgical...

Following the pattern of the Old and New Testaments of Scripture, our services take their form and content (liturgy) from Scripture itself.  The elements of the service work together to deliver to us the living Word of God which creates and nurtures faith in Jesus Christ.  We assemble primarily to receive the gifts of our Triune God which He gives through His Word and Sacraments; we then respond with thanksgiving and praise.    

We are a singing church. Our services do not seek to simply entertain you, but to allow you to participate fully in the holy conversation between God and His people.  As we receive the gifts of Christ, we in turn encourage each other with "psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs."  (Ephesians 4: 19)

We are orthodox...

We affirm the age-old teachings of the Christian Faith as expressed in the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds.  

We are catholic (with a small 'c')...

In the 16th century, Martin Luther sought a conservative reformation of Christ's Church, preserving the purity of the Gospel of Christ and keeping those traditions which were helpful in preserving the Faith and confessing the Gospel.   In other words, Luther didn't believe in throwing out the baby with the bath water.  As Lutherans, we are part of the catholic tradition—the Christian faith of all times and places.  

The basics of the Christian Faith

We believe that God has revealed Himself to us through the Holy Scriptures....the Word of God of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.  This Word is God's truth that guides us and saves us in a world which has fallen into sin, false belief, and outright rebellion against God.   We are reconciled to God through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice pays the price for our sin and wins for us forgiveness of all our sin....and "where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation."  (Luther's Small Catechism, VI)

We believe in: 

• in the Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit —Three equal Persons, yet still only one God.  (Matthew 28: 19)

• that the Bible is God’s own inerrant Word which calls us to faith in Jesus Christ.    (2 Timothy 3: 15-17)

• that all people are by nature born sinful and lack both the will and the ability to please God with thoughts, words, or deeds.  (Psalm 51: 5)

• that God, through His compassion and mercy for us, sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the price for all the sins of all people.  (John 3: 16)

• that everyone who repents of their sinfulness and trusts in Christ—in His perfect life, His sacrificial death, and His resurrection from the dead—will be saved from eternal death and damnation.  (Romans 10: 9-10)

•  that Jesus is truly present today to forgive our sins through His appointed means—the water of Holy Baptism, the bread and wine which are truly His Body and Blood in the Lord’s Supper, and in His Word preached and spoken in Holy Absolution.  Through these means we receive forgiveness of sin, reconciliation with God, and the promise of eternal life.  

Lutherans have traditionally taught the faith by using Luther's Small Catechism—a handbook of the basic teachings of Holy Scripture.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS)

and is part of the Nebraska District of the LCMS


