Tents going up!
Carl Siefert, William Wallace, Tim Holtzen
Teracy Refior, Tim Holtzen
Carl Siefert, Merv Meyer (sitting on the ground) and the legs of Hank Oetjen, and the energenic girls! (Names not given for safety reason.)
100th Anniversary of the building of the building known at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Bingo using Trinity history as the information on the card.
Participants created their own bingo card with Trinity history information provided to complete the card.
Jim Latoza playing horse shoes.
Merv Meyer playing horse shoes.
Margene Meyer and a bucket.
Mandy Kemper assists Alvin May (89) and he tosses the ball and Ben goes into the tank.
Kemper boys!
Andrew Haase, Jakob Kemper, Mark Kemper, Nathaniel Kemper
Tent coming down!
Sandy Siefert pulling posts.